en-The 3rd internation meeting of tExtended project in Valencia, Spain
Author: Bc. Dominika Fugger

The third plenary meeting of the tExtended consortium took place from 14.11.-15.11.2023. We met in sunny Valencia, where we were welcomed at their premises by AIMPLAS, a non-profit research association in the plastics industry that offers comprehensive solutions including R&D projects, training, competitive and strategic intelligence, and technology services such as analysis, testing and technical assistance. During the meeting, we also had a tour of their laboratories and learned many interesting information from the plastics industry. Specifically, AIMPLAS' role in the project will be the identification and classification of textiles using optical separation systems, pre-processing and recovery of materials for recycling, recycling of textile waste through the process of solvolysis, including industrial textile products and polymer blends such as PES/PUR, and formulation and production of polyurethane coatings. We have thus learned a lot about the possibilities of recycling man-made fibres in the textile industry
krem prehliadky zariadení AIMPLAS a prehliadky Valencie sme zvyšný čas strávili rokovaním s projektovými partnermi, kde sme zhodnotili status a progres projektu, venovali sa podrobne jednotlivým pracovným balíkom, absolvovali "Big Picture" workshop, v ktorom sme hľadali hlbšie prepojenia projektovej logiky a v nesposlednom rade sme započali prípravu na úlohu, ktorú v tomto projekte budeme viesť, tvorbu tréningových materiálov pre zamestnancov textilného priemyslu, ktorá ich pripraví na prechod na zelenú, digitálnu a obehovú premenu textilného odvetvia.
Po prvom roku od začatia projektu možno konštatovať, že projekt sa úspešne rozbehol, dosiahol svoje prvé míľniky a všetci partneri usilovne pracujú na svojich zadaniach. Ak Vás zaujímajú čiastkové výsledky a úspechy projektu, prečítajte si najnovší newsletter projektu na LinkedIn stránke projektu https://www.linkedin.com/company/textended/.