Slovensko bude podporovať zelené inovácie a spoluprácu slovenských i zahraničných vysokých škôl, vedeckých pracovísk, súkromného a tretieho sektora a miest a obcí. Podpora pre spoluprácu medzi ministerstvami ako aj tretím sektorom bude široká. Dôraz sa bude klásť na predchádzanie vzniku odpadov, vytvorenie podmienok prioritného využívania rezíduí a...
Green infrastructure features
Do not hesitate to contact our member for consulting- we offer consultancy on a green infrastructure drafts...
Enviromental assesment, LCA analysis, EPD, LCC
We analyse enviromental impact of buildings on the inhabitants and make life-cycle assesments and life-cycle costs of services or products...
National and international projects
We are actively involved in national and international projects aimed at the transition from a linear economy to a circular economy...
Networking- quintuple helix
We create partnerships in the field of research and innovations for stakeholders representing key local actors from governmental, research and scientific institutions, companies and citizens including the issue of enviromental protection...
We offer enviromental education, training and enlightment..
Our vision...
Circular economy is a tool for a sustainable development strategy based on creating a balance between nature and human society. Our strategy here, at NARA-SK is to create balanced and healthy relationships in production and trade.
The circular economy creates new products through the collaboration of all actors of the QUADRUPLE HELIX model with the aim of ecological stability of the country and economic sustainability of regional development with an impact on a socially fair working and liveable environment of the QUINTUPLE HELIX innovation model.

We closely co-work with organizations within and outside the EU...
Completed projects on national and international level based on economical-social-environmental principles...
Co-operating organizations as part of the innovative Quintuple Helix model...
Awards of activities contributing to the protection and creation of environment...
The third plenary meeting of the tExtended consortium took place from 14.11.-15.11.2023. We met in sunny Valencia, where we were welcomed at their premises by AIMPLAS, a non-profit research association in the plastics industry that offers comprehensive solutions including R&D projects, training, competitive and strategic intelligence, and...
Za posledné dni sme sa zúčastnili viacerých stretnutí, seminárov, workshopov, kde spoločnou témou bolo sociálne podnikanie, sociálne inovácie, rodinné podnikanie a rodinné farmy v kontexte Integrovaného územného rozvoja.
Autor: Dávid Kolínek a Ing. Ján Plesník
National recycling agency of Slovakia
The office: A.Hlinku 2568/33, 960 01 Zvolen Contact address: Lieskovská cesta 24, 960 01 Zvolen
Contact person: Ing. Ján Plesník
Phone number: +421 905 361 767
Email address: