Environmental product declaration
What is EPD?
A Type III environmental statement according to ISO 14025 is a multi-page document that lists and quantifies the environmental aspects and impacts of a product or service with respect to its entire life cycle. It is a document providing information about the manufacturer, the product and, in addition, a set of values that can be used to give an idea of how large the environmental impacts of the product are. The basis for the Environmental Statement III must be an LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) study, drawn up in accordance with EN ISO 14040 and EN ISO 14044.
What is the life cycle for?
Life cycle interpretation is used to clearly present the findings, e.g. which stage of the product life cycle contributes to environmental impacts, where the greatest material and energy consumption occurs, etc.
What is EPD good for?
An EPD is a document that allows you to choose a supplier whose product has, for example, a lower carbon footprint or produces less waste or acidifying substances with respect to its life cycle.
Usage of EPD
- consideration of EPD outputs in comprehensive building quality assessment systems such as SBToolCZ, LEED, BREEAM and others
- enabling the public presentation of the environmental performance of products - B2C
Competitive advantage
- public demonstration of producer environmental responsibility
- new and different product information
- entering new markets, winning new contracts
- presentation of environmental properties in international databases, e.g. ENVIRONDEC
Optimisation of the production process
- the potential to reduce the cost of energy, materials and raw materials
- the potential to reduce waste production and emissions
- reducing environmental impacts
- basis for product innovation and Eco-design
Effective communication of product
- the existence of standard rules for the processing of the EPD implies the general comprehensibility of the document
- the data in the EPD are easy to process in database
- EPDs, as a set of environmental own products, are predestined for public communication, can be part of commercial terms and conditions and a condition in public procurement
Video explaining what EPD is from a German partner organisation Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V